BATHS AGAINST GOUT: Epsom Salt Bath relieves pain. Add 500 g of Epsom salt to a …

BATHS AGAINST GOUT: Epsom Salt Bath relieves pain. Add 500 g of Epsom salt to a bath of very hot water, soak three times a week. FOOTBATH: 1/2 cup of Epsom salt soak for 20 minutes. VINEGAR BATH: restores the acid-alkaline balance. 2 quarts of 100% apple cider vinegar to a tub warm water. Soak 45 minutes. Helps excess uric acid in the body especially for the joints, arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and gout.

Source by pumpkinbread2f



Hand over foot Get in touch with your body by treating yourself to a sensual fo…